Sunday, 2 December 2012

While I was still experimenting and testing out new techniques I was playing around with stitching fabric shapes onto more fabric this is called an Appliqué I uses different colours fabrics together as you can see below 

These where very obvious shapes they resemble leafs so I wanted something that would not be so obvious  so I followed it up by doing a second one.

I used strips of leaf coloured material and netting over the top. This links to the linear designs I did earlier. 

once I put these together I saw that they looked like patches. Patches work in a sequence!! I could link them together using an over lock machine to attach the patches together just like this...


I came up with some design Ideas here they are...

My first Idea is a patchwork top and layers of leafs for a skirt. It wouldn't be very wearable because the leafs would break and full off and would eventually decay completely. 

My next idea is a leaf top and patch work skirt. The issue with this is that it could be quite time consuming and may take to long for me to complete in time. 

 I found a dress made by a blogger called Susan Lenz. She made dresses made from fake flowers and leafs. That she recycled from bins in a cemetery. I really like her dresses but I personally like the idea of using real leafs. Something that isn't going to ask forever, similar to Walter Masons work. (Here is a link to her blog for images and how she did it.)

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